Health Scores

The health score is a percentage of time that the user is not impacted by IT issues. The higher your health score, the better the user experience is and the better your systems are working. An ideal health score is as close to 100 as possible. The Ideal score of 100 means that the end user is not impacted at all or has zero issues.

Health minutes are actual minutes where the system was impacted.  If a system’s CPU is having problems for 30 minutes (whether it be queue or percentage or anything else), the agent marks 30 minutes of impact. Impact minutes are only calculated while a user is active on the system and they get broken down into different categories so you can identify and correct related issues.

Overall system health is a ratio of total impact minutes to total active minutes.

To identify overall system health, we take the total impact time and divide it by the amount of time a user was active on the system.  Subtract that from a perfect score and you get your health score.

For example, if a user was active on a PC for 8 hours and impacted for a total of 30 minutes, the health score for that day for that user would be 93.75%.

30 (min of impact) / 480 (min of activity) * 100 = Impacted 6.25% of the time

100% (perfect health)  -  (6.25% impact)  =  a health score of 93.75

These values are only collected while a user is active on the system. For example, if anti-virus runs in the middle of the night and impacts CPU and disk, it does not count as part of the impact minutes towards the overall score because it was while the user was not actively using the system.

NOTE: Health impact for servers does not rely on active users because servers are part of the infrastructure that is always on.

In Resolve, health on terminal servers and servers shows impact for all times, even when users are not active.

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